Thursday, December 30, 2010

end of a dream

leaves of the tree
delicate and fragile
bringing life to a dream
a creation lived
vibrant and bold
as seasons pass
a natural cycle
is brought to rest
withering and frail
the essential ending
an expression of readiness
releasing to receive
the beauty and potential
in a delicate
new beginning

Friday, July 23, 2010


the movement of my soul
and i reach out
for heaven's embrace
this star
burning in the night sky

within her
i am absorbed
warm pulse of the earth
flowing through my veins
like a red river
of life

through him
i am breathed
effervescent light
filling the emptiness
like blue fills the sky
on a cloudless day

from the dance of my soul
and i receive
heaven's embrace
this star
shining in the night sky

Sunday, June 27, 2010


i hear her calling
my eternal Mother
from far beyond
this earthen veil
her voice ripples through me
and lingers sweetly
upon the precipice of time

the delicate chanting 
of my name dances
on the cool flickers of sunshade
that grace the wilderness
do not forget
her luminous whispers resonate
as my naked feet partake
of her euphoric essence
and my skin inhales
her fragrant pulse
invoking a wildness within me

a wildness unleashed
to roam free of this world
the truth of who i am
arising to walk
with alien footsteps
on this illusive creation
and i remember
for a moment
i remember

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

one step beyond the clouds

one step
beyond the clouds
and into
the radiant light
of my heart

tendrils that have
to consume me
themselves consumed
by the light
that fills me

and i step forward
into a new life
no longer defined
by history
but lived through
the love that is

Sunday, April 4, 2010


sweet goddess of the dark night
after years of fruitless searching
your arrival is immanent
i sense the vitality of your presence
on the doorstep of my soul

walk with me, you whisper
your voice ruptures the threshold of resistance
grasping hold of my life
you usher me to certain destruction
tortured steps into the underworld

the glow of your flickering torch
softly illuminates my tired face
a tormented cascade that carries me
floating heavily, deeper and deeper
in a cold, black, bottomless sea

i have been ripped apart, devoured
while you steadily kept watch
at your alter i offer my remnants
the refuse of a surrendered life
an existential emptying into the void

your lunar light nourishes me
as i am absorbed into the mystery
light and dark in me become as one
and i stand at the edge of the unknown
turning to face the brilliant light of day

Friday, March 26, 2010

little drops of moonbeams

little drops of moonbeams
swimming in the stars
twirling past the milky way
and dancing around mars

little drops of moonbeams
playing in the night
shining on the clouds above
that hide their brilliant light

little drops of moonbeams
whispering a prayer
bathed in lunar energy
soaring through the air

little drops of moonbeams
falling all around
tinkering on window panes
and splashing to the ground

little drops of moonbeams
sweet nature's lullaby
rejoicing in their journey
as they travel from the sky

Monday, March 8, 2010

life emerging

there is no spring
for a life emerging
no breath
no cry
no vision nor thought
catapulted into
a dizzying cacophony
confusing chaos of
bright lights, colors, sounds
overwhelming and exciting
spinning upside down
spiraling inside out
and suddenly


a split second
collapsing into the silence
of an eternal pause
the space between
two worlds
before arising
breaching the surface
with a rushing gasp for air
relief of
the first breath
which is
life emerging

Thursday, February 18, 2010

the bridge

i went for a walk one spring day
in the woods and far away
journeying on trails lined with trees
accompanied only by the breeze
i came to a bridge across a stream
upon it i sat to write and dream
dangling my feet in the water's cool flow
awareness inside beginning to grow

the paths continued in either direction
upon this life they placed their reflection
across the bridge one path did lead
the way i came or so it seemed
so i chose to go the other way
no time to waste or spend in delay
and this path it did twist and turn
obstacles i faced as i continued to learn

but the way i chose did bring me back
many months later on that bridge i sat
stream had run dry but peace remained
as i sought solace in the space i claimed
this time i chose to walk across
feeling confused and at a loss
i suddenly realized i had been deceived
for this path was not what i had once perceived

i strolled through marsh on solid support
my mind of stories i tried to sort
i leaned on boulders to take my rest
experiencing life as would nature suggest
blankets of gold on the earth all around
and here i sat upon the ground
the trees extend their comforting embrace
in this loving connection i find my grace

to this sacred place i do surrender
this journey i shall always remember
spirit whispers and i heed the call
while one by one rocks roll from the wall
until the passage is free and clear
and i can walk without hindrance or fear
as i gently tread on that bridge again
and journey on til i reach my end

Monday, January 11, 2010


of moments
stolen and held
within the garden
of my heart
beautiful blossoms of
colors bold and bright
flowers rich in fragrance
unfolding as
glorious paintings
upon the canvas of
my soul
an awakening
never to be